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Thank you for asking to join the Auckley Show Supporters Club.
The CHANCE TO WIN £100 EVERY MONTH for less than a pound, PLUS other runners-up cash prizes for a donation of just £10 for 12 months entry into our monthly draw. Details of the club and past winners can be found here.
To join now you can use the “Donate” button below * see notes below first You can pay by BANK CARD (- bottom box “Donate with a Card” on next section) - Any problems then see our ‘Help’ page www.auckleyshow.co.uk/cardpay or from a paypal account (- top box “Donate”)
AFTER payment PRESS - RETURN TO AUCKLEY SHOW - Essential so that we can collect your CONTACT DETAILS
We will email you to confirm your membership, usually within 24 hours. IF YOU HAVE NOT HAD A CONFIRMATION EMAIL WITHIN 48 HOURS PLEASE CONTACT US VIA 200club@auckleyshow.co.uk